The Alvin Youth Livestock Arena Association (AYLAA) was organized to promote the sport of rodeo among young Americans and to improve the image of rodeo through improved cooperation of youth rodeo contestants, parents, and adults interested in the youth rodeo movement. The AYLAA is a nonprofit organization managed by a Board of Directors who is elected by the General Membership
If you have something conflicting with this day … we apologize, but it’s the only date we had available… please contact us to arrange prize pick up or have someone grab for you! Hope to see everyone at Living Stones Victory Camp August 25!

Are you intreseted in participating at AYLAA... Look here and find out info about AYLAA Summer Series, Reunion Rodeo and Clinics/ Exhibitions that we conduct at AYLAA arena!
- Membership application is available after summer series
- Release of liabiity- needs notary
- Scholarship form
Purchase an online membership
Results for each rodeo and year end standings
AYLAA Rule Book